The Adventures of Pat & Polly! Series Archive

Season One

These are the comics that make up Pat & Polly's initial run from February of 2007 to July of 2008, when I officially hung PnP up for the first time. Each "Season" will end when I finally tire of doing them again and "officially" decide I'm done for a while. I don't know why I call them "Seasons" or why I'm using so many "Quotes" but gosh it makes everything seem so "official!"

#000 - This Splash Page Comic Has No Name (And Isn't A Comic At All)
#001 - It Is All True
#002 - Stabbed In The Face
#002.5 - Stabbed In The Face Re-take
#003 - The Show
#004 - A New Day Job
#005 - Happy Heart Day
#006 - All-Nighter
#007 - His Beard Was Gray
#008 - Base of Operations
#009 - Connect This!
#010 - Developing Character
#011 - Party People (by Pat)
#012 - Missing Person
#013 - Happy Jaq Day
#014 - Nobody'll Get It
#014.2 - Nobody'll Get It (The Kazlo Version) (by Kazlo)
#015 - The End
#016 - The End Part II
#017 - We'll Make Great Pets
#018 - Happy Bunny Day
#019 - Dial 3 For Polly (by Jaq)
#020 - Ack!!!
#021 - Stress-Pat 9000
#022 - Intergalactic Breakfastary
#023 - .thwack//F.U.
#024 - Eat Me, Drink Me Review
#025 - P n' P Part I
#026 - P n' P Part II
#027 - Ack!!!: Bwahahaha!!!
#028 - Filler Bunny
#029 - 28 Comics Later (by Jaq)
#030 - The PnP Summer Spectacular
#031 - Happy 'Sploding Day
#032 - The Only Solution
#033 - Season 2 Preview
#00X: Real Deal: PnP+50yrs

Season Two

These comics make up the second "Season" of Pat & Polly. Their run began on January 3rd, 2010 and will continue until I get bored of it again. Here we gooooo!

#034 - We've Been Busy
#035 - This Is Cereal Business
#0FF - Thinkin' 'Bout Final Fantasy (spoof of a kc Green comic by Rhete)

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